Monthly Dev Update

…so I guess I took a bit of a break there. I’m not sure exactly what happened, life got a little busy. I want to take the time to redo the site a bit and get back on the horse with these updates. Assets

I published a new asset pack called the Levelmancer Asset Pack! I’m super proud of it and I think it has a ton of potential for lots of cool games. It’s got a unique and lighthearted art style that I think people will enjoy. I introduced it for a buck, but increased the price to $10 after I updated it with quite a bit of content! I made a total of $9.99 here in October, but more sales will show up next month. I’ll be using it for tutorials in the future and you can check it out here:

Twitter (or is it X now?)

As of the last devlog, I had 1,333 followers and was increasing fairly steadily. I kept the momentum up just by posting .gifs and videos consistently of what I was working on.

I’m at 1,857 now! I wonder if I can get to 2,000 before the end of the year? I’m having a lot of fun engaging with other developers on there.


I didn’t upload anything in October, but I did stream 6 times. I really want to grow my YouTube, but I’m still finding my groove there. Do I go the tutorial route? Do I go the streamer route? I could write an entire series about my experiences with streaming on YouTube VS Twitch… and maybe I’ll do that.

Anyway. Growth over September and 8 new subscribers is something I can be thankful for.


  • Website refocus
  • A new YouTube tutorial
  • A new website article
  • Interactive Twitch Overlay

Milestone Goals

  • Publish a game
  • 1,000 followers on YouTube
  • 4k hours of watch time on YouTube
  • 2,000 followers on Twitter
  • $50/month from assets

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