Learn GameMaker

When it comes to making games, I love using GameMaker. It’s easy enough for beginners and powerful enough for experienced users.

Get GameMaker

To start, go to gamemaker.io and get GameMaker. It’s free! Let’s meet up here again after you’ve downloaded and installed it.

Learning With Tutorials

GameMaker has a healthy online community full of resources to help you learn. Check out the official tutorials here. The “Space Rocks” tutorial is a good place to start.

Get Your Own Assets

When you’re ready to start making your own creations, you’ll need some assets! Assets are the graphics, sound effects, and other resources that’ll make up your game. You can create your own, or you can just use some from one of GameMaker’s Asset Bundles.

Join The Community

While you develop your game, join the community! There’s the GameMaker Community, where you can post topics and replies to conversations around GameMaker, or the GameMaker Discord if you prefer a live, chat-style discussion. The GameMaker Discord server is particularly helpful if you’re stuck and need some help. Come by and introduce yourself!

Share Your Creations

GameMaker offers several ways for you to share your game with the world: You can export to the web browser, PC, Mac, Linux, gaming consoles, and more. Put your game on a storefront like itch.io, Steam, or the Nintendo eShop and let the world play your ideas brought to life!

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